Disclaimer: a proper OP/ED review requires watching the show to learn the story, as the OP/ED may have elements that entwines with the show. I am not going to watch every show that airs in the season, so the scores may be higher if there really are story elements within the OP/ED. Shows which I have watched are marked with an asterisk*.
Shows are listed in alphabetical order.
Review completed 2022-07-31
Season Highlights:
- Spy X Family had an amazing 4 star ED.
- Kunoichi Tsubaki no Mune no Uchi’s OP demonstrates how a bad choice of song can condemn the entire thing
- Ultraman Season 2 had impressive 2.5 star OP and ED which I did not expect coming out of a mainstream franchise.
- Paripi Koumei’s OP gets an honorable mention for most catchy opening.
Aharen-san wa Hakarenai
Good sync, strong theme on character relationship, decent story telling.
Unlike the OP, this has no story. Liked how the lyrics called out the title, and the song is rather catchy. Feels like they had no good idea but had to make something anyway.
Ao Ashi
First half of character introductions was quite bad, but second half action + story was decent.
Mostly unconnected slideshow.
What a mess. First half consist of unconnected scenes, and even had 2 3d scenes thrown in as well. The weird flop at 1 minute, and the black and white scene as well.
I don’t get why the ED is focused on this female. Did the male MC have a sex change operation? Where did the football go?
Birdie Wing: Golf Girls’ Story
Very standard sequences, but at least there was effort to fit within the theme of the show
Liked the unique artstyle. Not sure what the significance of the different birds were, but the use of the silhouette is interesting.
Black★★Rock Shooter: Dawn Fall
Chaining together cool shots but with little cohesiveness.
Simple but cool theme with visually captivating graphics.
Build Divide: Code White
Liked the color contrast themes, but stuffing a huge load of character introductions at the later half really threw the flow off. Also bad dubstep right at the end.
Most of the ED is quite basic but the visual style is slightly interesting. Loved the character singing the phrase with the song.
Cap Kakumei Bottleman DX
For how stupid the point of the show is, the OP actually punches above its belt in making the show look more promising than what it appears to be. Who knew bottle cap fights could be space battle tier.
Dance Dance Danseur
The first person perspective is certainly intriguing, although I’m not too sure whether there’s more meaning behind it, other than being unique.
Again with a unique style, reminiscent of a studio SHAFT + Gekidan Inu Curry production. Animation can be a bit too choppy at times.
Date A Live IV
Liked the sync with the music and lyrics.
First half had some promise, but second half was disappointingly just crystals followed by line-art.
Deaimon *
Simple heartwarming opening, consisting of character introduction and then covering the main theme of candy making. Loved how the title backdrop changes with the season. Love how the sprout symbolizes Itsuka.
Simple slideshow of all the episodes and characters of the show. Like how the background changes to match each scene. Like how there are background effects as well.
Estab-Life: Great Escape
The music consists of so much noise that it’s hard to concentrate on watching the animation. The animation art is crisp and the 3D scenes are good. However, there is no clear overall theme and it’s a jumbled series of scenes.
Loved the unique art style. Has an actual overall story for the ED. Dislike how the credits covered up the seed sprouting.
Gaikotsu Kishi-sama, Tadaima Isekai e Odekakechuu
Has a lot of character, and also very character-focused. Not sure why the vocals have to be at such low volume though.
Too much time spent in dramatic poses, but visuals are good, and there’s a bit of storytelling.
Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 Season 2
Visually gorgeous and impressive. Liked the callback to a previous OP where she jumped from a height as well. A shame that the jump sequence seems to have little connection with the other scenes.
Simple, low budget animation sequence, but yet there’s an effort to play with the shadows to make the animation more dynamic. Loved the unique art style as well, and the sync too.
Gunjou no Fanfare
Liked the 3D scenes. Some good scene transitions.
Not much in terms of content. Start was decent, then too much time spent on generic character introduction.
Healer Girl
Having the main characters sing along fits very well within the music theme of the show. The side character introduction was awkward though, having most of them weirdly lined up, as weird as the maid closing something.
Middle part is generic, but at least the song is still sung by the main characters, and a bit of storytelling at the start and the end
Heroine Tarumono! Kiraware Heroine to Naisho no Oshigoto
Love the unique artstyle and the main character duo singing. Could be better with more sync between the music and animation and a cohesive overall story rather than random scenes sprinkled throughout.
Love that the main characters sing and the animation syncs with that too. Cohesive themes make this a better experience than the OP.
Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen 3rd Season
There’s some effort in trying to do cool things here and there, for example, the flying piece of paper, the meguru*4, the hand gesturing, but they are mostly disconnected and don’t have a cohesive theme.
Interesting depiction of the history of printed words. Would be better if there is some sort of integration with the music.
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Ultra Romantic
The 3D-risque scenes at the start and the end was so awkwardly animated. The running scene had decent imagery at least. Like the sync with the song at the “Ai wo”
Cute and thematically-relevant story, but no sync with the music at all.
Kakkou no Iinazuke
Portrays the themes of the show very well. Good sync with the music. Interesting techniques such as the first person, and using the split screen to symbolize the separation at birth.
Very atmospheric, interesting use of 3D model, good sync with music.
Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san
Portrays the themes of the show very well. Good sync with the music. I might be missing some information about certain plot points, which made certain scenes quite confusing.
Cute art style, animation sequence perfectly portrays the show’s theme in a very cute way.
Kingdom 4th Season
Most of it is just awkward close face ups character introductions.
Marginally better than the OP with the sakura and sword motif, but still mostly character introductions.
Koi wa Sekai Seifuku no Ato de
Doesn’t fit with the main theme of the show. No sync with the music.
Mostly a slideshow of the girl being cute.
Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. 2nd Season
Has a lot of character to it. Liked the sync in a couple places.
Interesting art style with exceptionally smooth animation. Pity that there’s no sync with the intense song.
Kono Healer, Mendokusai *
Framing a pile of garbage (recycled scenes from the show) still doesn’t make it look good.
Liked the sync, and sung by the characters. Downside is staying too long on some of the static scenes.
Kunoichi Tsubaki no Mune no Uchi
The mood from the song and the mood from the animation does not match at all. There’s effort in the animation: the petal scenes, character introductions, and the standard fight scene, but the mood from the song just spoils the whole thing.
Simple but with style. Liked that it was sung by the characters. Liked how they do unique ones for each episode.
Kyoukai Senki Part 2
First half was nicely done with good sync. But second half with fighting scenes that went on too long with no sync either.
Appears to be a slideshow all the way up till the reveal at the end. If this is supposed to signify a herculean world-saving effort, then the theme is really well portrayed along with the emotional song.
Love All Play
Very generic and mundane sequences.
Interesting art style, the train scenes were cute. It would have better if it did something other than a running scene afterwards.
The first 5 seconds were an improvement with the alternate art style, but the overall was not much better than OP1.
Liked the water color effect, but it was mostly static scenes for the entire sequence.
Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai 2nd Season
Large budget that went into lots of detail and action, decent sync. Dislike how they kept swapping between upper body close-ups of each character and not showing off the dance moves.
Suddenly no budget left for the ED. Interesting art style though, and sung by the VAs.
Machikado Mazoku: 2-choume
Good syncs, nice action, sung by the main characters, but feels unorganized and all over the place.
Wacky, liked the sync with the lyrics. The pace was inconsistent though, certain parts like after chorus started, the animation became very static as compared to the first half.
Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Gaiden (TV) Final Season – Asaki Yume no Akatsuki
Liked how they integrate real-life shots into a couple of scenes. Liked the character development of friendship. The stop motion-risque animation looked pretty bad. The transform scene was good.
Loved the symbolism of the butterfly.
Mahoutsukai Reimeiki
Filled with random unconnected scenes. The panning of the title was laughably bad. 0.5 stars just for the fripside song.
Liked the background, liked how it portrays the various themes of the show.
Meitantei Conan: Zero no Tea Time
Decent sync, decent symbolism, but not a lot of substance. Feels like some parts are just filler or dragged out.
Had a decent story-telling going, only to cut off suddenly at the end.
Great sync with the song and the lyrics, love the character singing. Unfortunately, there were a little too many random scenes inserted.
Can feel the low budget. Despite that, it did well in the sync, character singing, and the amount of action.
Otome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu
Generic, laughably stilted animation at 1:01 and 1:15.
Again with laughably stilted animation, and a lot of slideshow. But at least the scene with MC reaction to each of the otome characters is decent.
Paripi Koumei
A bit on the low-budget side, but terribly amusing. Love the credits effects.
After-watch edit:
Incredible stratagem to make EIKO popular.
First 5 seconds was really amusing, but the rest of it had very little action, despite being able to introduce most of the themes of the show.
Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. r=1-sinθ (Heart)
Theme is on point, but the throwing of equations on screen got a bit repetitive after a minute. Liked the sync during character introduction. Was the last running scene necessary though?
Great sync with the song, but some parts dare a bit too forced and doesn’t fit well.
RPG Fudousan
Just a collection of cute pictures, with no overarching themes. At least it was sung by the VAs and the borders showed the effort put in.
Simple but cleanly executed with cute art style
Shachiku-san wa Youjo Yuurei ni Iyasaretai.
The animation is pretty decent, but the mediocre song is kind of dragging the impact down.
Another mediocre song makes it hard to pay attention to the animation.
Shadowverse Flame
Literally just character introduction for the entire thing. At least the character introduction was done decently.
Character introduction again, this time for the companions. Additional 0.5 star for Ogura Yui singing.
Shijou Saikyou no Daimaou, Murabito A ni Tensei suru
Tells the story, but in a too literal way. Some parts are synced, but others are clearly not.
Seems to be torn between picture mode and story-telling, not achieving much either way.
Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road
Liked the effort put into the animation, including the number of moving shots. The symbolism is a little hard to understand.
Interesting art style, but could have done more with it. Liked the subtle story, but it could have been expounded on with a greater portion of the ED.
Loved the use of colors in the action scenes.
Spy x Family
Multiple interesting art styles, portrays the themes of the show very well. Good sync with the music.
Incredible sync, incredible story-telling, incredible closing.
Summer Time Render*
Interesting style, but it seems mostly for visual spectacle purposes. At least the song was impactful enough to cover for it.
Love how they played with the visual distortions of a simple film scene synced with the music, and how relevant it is to the show. Unfortunately, this dragged on too long while on the same scene.
Starting with an interesting art style and character introduction, only to continue it with disappointingly generic fight scenes.
Interesting art style, tells a simple story.
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 2
The music doesn’t sync well with the animation, animation is mostly action scenes that are unconnected. There was a laughable attempt to transition from fire arrows to melting marshmallows on a campfire.
Simple but tells a heartwarming story.
Thermae Romae Novae
Animation is simple, but flavor is on-point, and very much in-line with the show’s theme.
Tiger & Bunny 2
Spending 80% of the time on character introductions + product placement advertising. Deserves 0 stars on principle.
Simple, nothing much.
Tomodachi Game
Very cool scenes, transitions, good sync with music. Repetitive character introduction.
Decent character introduction, but the latter half was just simple character slides.
Ultraman Season 2
Impressed with the action atmosphere, especially the end bit. Good sync with the music. A little too much random action scenes.
Has to be mo-cap with that kind of animation detail. Impressive dances, though I don’t see the connection with the theme of the show.
Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 4th Season
Syncs with the beat, the kigurumi was interesting.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Go Rush!!
Anemic song, couple of good scenes (e.g. sync with lyrics) but a lot of bad filler scenes as well.
Simple but cohesive theme.
Yuusha, Yamemasu
First half was a decent portrayal of the premise of the show, but second half was full of generics such as fight scenes and character running.
Bad slideshow.